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Fee Schedule

    Annual Submissions

    ACO Charges - Pursuant to Sections 29142, 27013, 29304 and 50077 of the Government Code, the County Auditor Controller is authorized to charge for the cost of applying special assessments to the tax roll. 

    This charge is $0.11 per parcel identification number (PIN) (a.k.a. assessment number) for each time a file is submitted whether it is accepted or rejected. 

    There is an additional fee of $87.23 per fund submittal, in addition to the $0.11 per PIN.

    Adjustment Charges – For Adjustments before the Secured Extension, there is a charge of $0.11 per PIN for any rejects being re-submitted before the August 16th deadline. 

    The $0.11 per PIN charge applies to ALL initial submissions and re-submissions of PINs rejected or not.

    TTC Charges - Pursuant to Section 29304 of the Government Code and Government Code 50077 (b), the County Treasurer-Tax Collector is authorized to charge for the collection of special assessments included on the tax bill. 

    This charge is $0.25 per PIN and is in addition to the Auditor-Controller’s Office charges.


    1. The agency submits district 68-0001 with 100 PINS. After it is processed, only 95 PINS are accepted and 5 PINS are rejected and need to be resubmitted. Therefore, the agency will be charged on the following:
    1 District87.23$    87.23ACO Fee
    100 PINs0.11$    11.00ACO Fee
    100 PINs0.25$    25.00TTC Fee
    Total $  123.23 


    1. If the agency re-submits corrections with only 5 PINS and the submittal CSV file includes only 5 PINS for correction, the agency will be charged on the following:
    5 PINs0.11$    0.55ACO Fee
    5 PINs0.25$    1.25TTC Fee
    Total $    1.80 

    1. If the agency re-submits corrections with only 5 PINS, but the submittal CSV file includes 100 PINS, the agency will be charged on the following:
    100 PINs0.11$    11.00ACO Fee
    100 PINs0.25$    25.00TTC Fee
    Total $    36.00 

    Correction Submissions

    The following are the list of fees for fixed charge corrections:

    • $91.74, per Fund/District

    • $0.11, per PIN

    • $6.62, per PIN for Tax Collector’s Fee

    Agency Details

    To view agency apportionment details by name and year click here.

    To access website public access portal for agency parcel enrollment click here.

    Fixed Charge-Special Assessments Reports

      FY 2024-25 SA Summary Report

      As of: 09/12/2024 12:00pm

      FY 2024-25 SA Posted No 2024 Bill Generated

      FY 2023-24 SA Summary Report

      As of: 09/01/2023 5:00pm

      FY 2022-23 SA Summary Report

      Fixed Charge/Special Assessments Packet

      FY 2024-25 Fixed Charge Packet

      FY 2024-25 Fixed Charge Letter

      Fixed Charge/Special Assessments Benefit Directory (Tax Bill Contacts)

      FY 2024-25 Fixed Charge Benefit Assessment Directory

      Fixed Charge/Special Assessments - Forms

      Request to Establish a New District Fixed Charge (SA) Fund Number

      Authorized Signature Form (Sample Form)

      Proposition 218 Compliance Form (Sample Form)

      Fixed Charge Correction Request Form (Sample Form)

      FTP Site for Required Fixed Charge Documentation

      Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder (Bulk Data Sales) Forms and Link

      Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Property Data Distribution Agreement

      Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Property Data Center Request Form

      Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Billing Authorization Form