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Customer Feedback Survey

Survey Instructions:
Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible. When you have you completed the survey, click Submit at the bottom of the page

Which of these statements best defines your relation to the ACO
How frequently do you interact with the ACO
How important is the ACO's services to you
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the ACO
Please rate your satisfaction with the ACO regarding "Promptness of services rendered"
Please rate your satisfaction with the ACO regarding "Quality of services rendered - in terms of accuracy and relevance"
Please rate your satisfaction with the ACO regarding its staff's "Handling requests politely"
Please rate your satisfaction with the ACO regarding "Problem handling"
Please rate your satisfaction with the ACO regarding "Openness to suggestions"
How effective do you feel the ACO is with implementing the solutions
How frequently would you like communication to be delivered to you on new programs and initiatives
How do you feel about the overall level of competence/expertise of the ACO's staff
How do your feel about the number of staff in the ACO
Which of the following aspects do you personally rate as most important to you