Internal Audit Mission Statement
The mission of Internal Audit is to support the County of Riverside achieve its overall service objectives for county citizens by providing independent and objective assessments of business risks, identifying and recommending internal controls to safeguard assets, improve the reliability and integrity of financial and non-financial information, enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of county operational processes, and ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and policies.
Internal Audit Vision Statement
To develop and maintain a highly professional, credible, innovative internal audit function dedicated to excellence in service to County departments, but primarily to the citizens of Riverside County.
Internal Audit Responsibilities
Conducts independent, objective financial and operational audits of departments, offices, boards and institutions under the Board of Supervisors control, and of any district whose funds are kept in the County treasury. Provides consulting services to assist management in bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to risk management and control.
Internal Audit Information
FY 2024-25 Internal Audit Plan
Internal Audit Organizational Chart