Payroll Mission Statement
To be a leader in government Payroll and Tax reporting services, through technical excellence, innovation, collaboration and the ability to meet our customer’s needs. Our team's mission is to not only be innovative while pursuing our goal to provide timely, accurate, value-added payroll services, but to become “best of breed” practitioners of our “craft”.
Payroll Vision Statement
Be a model of "Best Practice" in the Payroll Industry, for both the private sector and for governments alike. To lead with innovation, competence and responsible staff committed to promoting oversight, integrity and diversity. To lead and support the education of Payroll and Tax issues to County employees and payroll support staff… by providing a measured and informative training program to our employees, customers and stakeholders in an effort to enhance the overall payroll experience.
Payroll Responsibilities
The Payroll Division of the Auditor-Controller's Office is responsible for Payroll Processing, Payroll Accounting and Payroll Reconciliation. The Division is comprised of two units: The Central Payroll Unit and the Accounting / Reconciliation Unit. The objective of the Central Payroll Unit is to process payroll timely and accurately. The function of the Payroll Accounting/Reconciliation Unit is to reconcile the Bi-Weekly Payrolls and maintain accurate records of all transaction relating to the payroll process.
- Distribute Treasury Cash Receipts
- Process Bi-Weekly Deposit of Payroll Taxes
- Process California Employment Development Department (EDD) Deposits & Reports
- Process CalPERS Retirement Payments & Reports
- Process Claim Payment Authorizations
- Process Direct Deposit Transmission & Reports
- Process Earning Records
- Process Employee Association Dues
- Process Employee General Deductions
- Process Garnishments
- Process Journal Entries For Bi-Weekly Payroll General Ledger
- Process Long Term Disability Payments (RSA)
- Process Post Employment Plan Application Warrants (VEBA Special Pay)
- Process Quarterly & Year-End Payroll Tax Reports (941 Form)
- Process Riverside County Employees & Special District’s Employees (SD) Payroll
- Process Short Term Disability Payments
- Process Termination/Final Pay Warrants
- Process Worker’s Compensation
- Reconcile Payroll Agency Funds
Payroll Resources
Employee Information
Employee Self Service Password Reset
Resetting your password can be accomplished through the options listed below:
- Self-Service Forgot Password (this functionality can easily be activated through the employee’s self-service menu – Job Aid:
- RCIT Helpdesk ticket (
- RCIT Helpline (951-955-9900)